Get Involved

Each of us, as citizens of our Berkeley Lab community, has a pivotal role to play in helping our great institution evolve. 

Let's work together and take coordinated, meaningful action in response to the 2024 LBNL Culture Survey.

Below are 6 ways for you to take immediate action.

Subscribe to the LBNL Culture Network

The LBNL Culture Network is a subscription list comprised of volunteers from across the Lab who are interested in supporting next steps related to strengthening LBNL culture and helping the Lab operationalize the 2024 culture survey insights. It takes 5 seconds to sign-up and the only upfront commitment you are making is agreeing to consider participating in any events or next steps that you have time and bandwidth for. As this network evolves, there will likely be more formal opportunities to contribute and be recognized.

NOTE: When taking the survey in March, if you remember indicating that you were interested in participating in follow-up actions from the survey AND/OR you are already a part of the IDEA Community of Practice, you will automatically be subscribed to this network. 

Utilize the Menu of Actions to Create an Experiment 

Shifts in organizational culture are only possible if we co-create solutions as a community and combine centralized actions from Berkeley Lab with distributed action from leaders andn colleagues at the Area, Division, team, and individual levels. 

The Menu of Actions, organized according to the Lab's 4 priority areas, will offer an initial set of Labwide (Structural & Behavioral) actions/interventions under consideration by Lab leadership that will be further refined and finalized in the coming months. The Menu include Teams & Individuals actions/practices designed to be easy-to-implement by any team member or team leader in their own sphere of influence at the Lab. 

Bring Your Data Questions to Drop-In Office Hours

Had a chance to look through our 200-page 2024 LBNL Culture Survey Report or the Labwide data spreadsheet? Have questions about our data, findings, methodology, or anything else related to the survey? 

Bring your questions to Drop-In Office Hours with Adi Greif, Culture Data Scientist. She is hosting open Office Hours every Wednesday and Friday starting 10/18 until 12/13. 

For a calendar invitation, visit the Berkeley Lab Events Calendar and add the Wednesday and/or Friday session(s) that best suit your schedule. Note that these Office Hours will be open and not by appointment. 

Request a Culture Survey Insights Briefing

Are you part of a Division-level, Area-level, or Lab-wide initiative or committee that could benefit from a briefing on relevant culture survey data or insights? Request a briefing with our Culture Data Scientist Adi Greif and/or Chief Culture Officer Aditi Chakravarty here. 

Due to scheduling constraints and competing priorities, we may not have capacity to confirm each request but we can promise that we will try our best. 

Attend a Community Sense-Making Session

All hands on deck---join us for our Community Action-Planning Series as a follow-up to our 2024 Stewardship/Culture Survey Town Hall! Meet culture champions from across the Lab and learn an interactive action-planning process that you can immediately take back to your teams and working groups as a way to transform culture survey insights into direct, coordinated, meaningful action.

In these community action-planning sessions, the Learning & Culture Office will facilitate and create protected space and time for participants to engage in discussions about what actions the Lab may take next and what actions participants themselves may want to take within their own spheres of influence.

This is in the process of being rescheduled. Please check back in January 2025.

Share Updates & Case Studies as You Go

Do you have a culture experiment that you are trying out on your team or in your Division/Area that you'd like to share? Do you want help with measuring or assessing impact? Please get in touch!

In sharing your lessons-learned back with the Learning & Culture Office and the institution, you help us practice being a learning organization and give us an opportunity to assess whether practices you've tried may be scalable to other contexts.